It would be helpful to use a subject line a little more
descriptive than "Subscribe" :)

I have been deleting all email with the "Subscribe" subject line
without reading them because I thought they were just people
trying to sub to the list.  I usually set up filters on
lists to auto-delete any email with "Subscribe" or
"Unsubscribe", I'm glad I hadn't gotten around to it yet on
this list....

dean writes:

> /*
> I'm wondering where to cut the cake between prolog and pico/pilog
> and thought I'd post a quick example to illustrate i.e.
> initially I won't have individual values for variables
> but a list of possibles and want the pc to pick the right values for me
> using a system of (cast in stone) equations as a filter...just two in this
> example.
> Apparently for this to work I need to be use integers.
> In reality the figures have decimal points so pico's fixed pt. maths looks
> a good fit.
> Any thoughts re how to approach this in pico/pilog much appreciated.
> */
> :- use_module(library(clpfd)).
> main :-
>    Lsales = [100,200,300],
>    Lcogs = [10,20,30],
>    Lgross_profit = [160,180,200],
>    member(Sales,Lsales),
>    member(Cogs,Lcogs),
>    member(Gross_profit,Lgross_profit),
>    Ltax = [5,10,15],
>    Lnet_profit = [100,170,300],
>    member(Tax,Ltax),
>    member(Net_profit,Lnet_profit),
>    Gross_profit #= Sales - Cogs,
>    Net_profit #= Gross_profit - Tax,
>    format("Gross_profit ~w Sales ~w Cogs ~w\n",[Gross_profit,Sales,Cogs]),
>    format("Net_profit ~w Gross_profit ~w Tax
> ~w\n",[Net_profit,Gross_profit,Tax]).
> /*
> ?- main.
> Gross_profit 180 Sales 200 Cogs 20
> Net_profit 170 Gross_profit 180 Tax 10
> true ;
> false.
> */
> As an the output of ' it possible to remove the double
> quotes when printing the symbols or CARs of the resultant list?/
> I read that initially the VAL is the same as the symbol...and it
> is....complete with double quotes.
> Thank you in anticipation and best regards
> Dean

Brad Collins
+855 010628234 | | Cambodia
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