(prove (goal '(   (^ @X (- (-> @A) (-> @B) )) (equal @A 4) (equal @B 2) )))
-> NIL

-> wasn't the "one" in this case

On 27 November 2016 at 17:34, dean <deangwillia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oops....let me try this
> (-> @X) in place of @X in the lisp clause
> On 27 November 2016 at 16:38, dean <deangwillia...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In preparation to do a predicate 'minus' I thought I see how to use lisp
>> '-' within pilog.
>> The first statement works re getting a 100% lisp calculation out to pilog
>> but....
>> I think I need to pass in pilog variables and apply - to them...unless
>> pilog has a -.
>> Many apologies if I should know how to do this.
>> : (prove (goal '(   (^ @X (- 4 2))  (equal @A 4)  (equal @B
>> 2)             )))
>> -> ((@X . 2) (@A . 4) (@B . 2))
>>    : (prove (goal '(   (^ @X (- @A @B))  (equal @A 4)  (equal @B
>> 2)             )))
>>  -> NIL
>> On 27 November 2016 at 08:46, dean <deangwillia...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Ok I'll keep trying and thank you for the pointers.
>>> Best Regardsd
>>> Dean
>>> On 27 November 2016 at 07:33, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dean,
>>>> > #(prove (goal '(equal 3 @X)   ))
>>>> 'goal' needs a list of clauses:
>>>>    : (prove (goal '((equal 3 @X))))
>>>>    -> ((@X . 3))
>>>> > #: (prove (goal '(     (equal 3 @X) (member @X (1 2 4))   )))
>>>> > #-> NIL
>>>> > #: (prove (goal '(     (equal 3 @X) (member @X (1 2 3))   )))
>>>> > #-> ((@X . 3))
>>>> OK
>>>> > #(prove (goal '(
>>>> > #            (equal @Profit (- @Sales @Cogs))
>>>> Did you define a '-' predicate?
>>>> ♪♫ Alex
>>>> --
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