( 1 . Pointertotheonecontaining(2)) and
( 2 . Pointertotheonecontaining(3))
are no longer referenced by a node referenced by the global name space.
They will be reclaimed during next gabarage collection and added to the
free cell list.
Am 17.12.2016 03:33 schrieb "Bruno Franco" <>:

> Hi John, Alex,
> Thank you for your explanations, I think I now understand how sort works:
> So, for example, in
> : (setq A (3 1 2 4 5 6))
> -> (3 1 2 4 5 6)
> : (setq B (sort A))
> -> (1 2 3 4 5 6)
> : A
> -> (3 4 5 6)
> : B
> -> (1 2 3 4 5 6)
> The symbol A points to the first cell of the list (3 1 2 3 4 5 6), and
> each cell
> points to the next cell in the list. When sort is applied, the pointing
> order of the cells
> is changed so that each cell is in the right order in the list. But, A is
> still pointing to
> the same cell as before, and if that cell has moved, then A ends up
> pointing to the
> middle of the list.
> In the case above, A points to the cell with CAR 3, and when that cell is
> moved, A ends
> up pointing to the 3rd element of the list. And so, the list that is built
> as the value of A
> starts at the 3rd element.
> My follow up question is, what happens to those first 2 cells, if they're
> not assigned to
> anything? Do they just stay there? Or are they deleted, perhaps by the
> garbage collector?
> P.S.
> I also wanted to apologise. When I reread my first mail I realised it was
> arrogant of me to
> imply that a feature of the language might be a bug.
> You have put a lot of effort into this language, and it shows Several
> design decisions that
> first surprised me turned out to be awesome, because they let me write
> code that was
> shorter, easier to read, and prettier. And because they lead to a more
> consistent language.
> Thank you for all your effort Alex. I like a lot the language you've made.
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 8:30 AM, Alexander Burger <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Bruno,
>> > But that might be because with 'by, the operation is not destructive.
>> This is correct. 'sort' is destructive, and 'by' is not, because it
>> builds a
>> fresh, private list.
>> > Is this normal operation of picolisp? I assumed its not, because I
>> didn't
>> > catch any reference to it in the documentation.
>> Every destructive function should be marked as such in the reference Let
>> us
>> know when you find a case where this is missing.
>> - Alex
>> --

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