On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 11:19:02PM +0100, Henrik Sarvell wrote:
> If I do the relations with the +UB index and put 2016-10-01 as the start
> date and 2016-10-20 as the end date for a specific project, do I get that
> project in my result set if I do the collect with sdate 2016-10-15 and end
> date 2016-11-15?

> > >    (rel sDate (+UB +Aux +Ref +Date) (eDate))
> > >    (rel eDate (+Date))
> > >
> > > Then a 'collect' would find the range directly:
> > >
> > >    (collect 'sDate '+Proj (list Sdate Sdate) (list Edate Edate))

No. Consider eDate and sDate as coordinates in a 2-dimensional space, where a
project is a point in that space.

So you need to collect all projects with sDate at least in the range
(2016-10-01 . 2016-10-01) and eDate at least in the range
(2016-10-20 . 2016-10-20) to include the above project.

A collection with the ranges (2016-10-1 . 2016-10-31) and (2016-11-1 .
2016-11-30), for example, would return all projects which started in October AND
ended in November 2016.

The ranges are inclusive btw.

- Alex
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