On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 6:13 PM, Christopher Howard <christop...@alaskasi.com
> wrote:

> Hi, I was just trying to understand...
> : (box? (box (4 5 6)))
> -> $384375304
> : (box? $384375304)
> -> NIL
> : (car $384375304)
> -> 4
> Shouldn't (box? $384375304) be non-NIL?

As Danilo said box? evaluates its arguments and that's the reason to return
NIL because a list is not an anonymous symbol

The same happens with the call to car, car evaluates its arguments so you
get the car of the list

To allow box? to deal with anonymous symbol you must quote it

If you type the $-number representing the anonymous symbol in the pil
prompt you see its value, in your case:

: $384375304
-> (4 5 6)

The result of evaluating the anonymous symbols and that explains the
behaviour of your calls to both box? and car,

: (car $384375304)        # = (car (4 5 6))
-> 4

but what if you call car with real anonymous symbol (quoting it to prevent

: (car '$384375304)
-> (4 5 6)

why? my guess is anonymous symbols store its value in the car of its cell

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