Until those >128 characters messed me up...I was working with lines
but am sure I can adapt what you've written....which looks very slick :)
...to cope with that by trapping the Line feed character and processing
the accumulated list
upto that point.
Thank you very much for your help.

On 15 February 2017 at 01:36, Lindsay John Lawrence <
lawrence.lindsayj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you are just working with bytes,  maybe you do not need to  'print' or
> 'symbolize'...
> : (in "test.txt" (while (rd 1) (wr @)))
> hi�theRE:�how are you
> -> 10
> ...or  filtering for graphic ascii and everything else to space...
> : (setq E '(let (C NIL) (in "test.txt" (while (rd 1) (setq C @) (if (and
> (< 32 C) (> 127 C)) (wr C) (wr 32))))))
> : (eval E)
> hi theRE: how are you -> 32
> ... channeling to a file
> : (out "chars.txt" (eval E))
> -> 32
> : (call 'cat "chars.txt")
> hi theRE: how are you -> T
> /Lindsay

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