As far as picolisp running in Org mode is concerned:

** 1. I tried the following code in org babel and they show perfect
results as shown in given on

*** Example 1

    #+begin_src picolisp  :results value html
       (load  "@lib/http.l" "@lib/xhtml.l" "@lib/form.l")

       (html 0 "Hello" "@lib.css" NIL
          (<h1> NIL "Hello World!")
          (<br> "This is some text.")
          (ht:Prin "And this is a number: " (+ 1 2 3)) )


*** Example 2

     #+begin_src picolisp  :results value code
       '(a (b c d) (e (f (g) (h) (i)) (j (k) (l) (m))) (n o p) q)

     #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp
        (b c d)
           (f (g) (h) (i))
           (j (k) (l) (m)) )
        (n o p)
        q )

*** Example 3

     #+begin_src picolisp  :results value pp
       '(a (b c d) (e (f (g) (h) (i)) (j (k) (l) (m))) (n o p) q)

     : (a
     :    (b c d)
     :    (e
     :       (f (g) (h) (i))
     :       (j (k) (l) (m)) )
     :    (n o p)
     :    q )

** 2. Try commenting out code (/picoLisp/lib/el) in your .emacs:

;; In order to get the picolisp-mode working correctly you have to
;; add the following expressions to your .emacs and adapt them
;; according to your set-up:

;;     (add-to-list 'load-path "/opt/picoLisp/lib/el")
;;     (load "tsm.el") ;; Picolisp TransientSymbolsMarkup (*Tsm)
;;     (autoload 'run-picolisp "inferior-picolisp")
;;     (autoload 'picolisp-mode "picolisp" "Major mode for editing
;;      Picolisp." t)

;; pil is more modern than plmod
  ;;   (setq picolisp-program-name "/opt/picoLisp/pil")

;; If you have also SLIME installed, it will suck all possible lisp
;; extensions up.
;; So in order to get the correct file-association for picolisp
;; files you'll have to also add this:

    ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.l$" . picolisp-mode))

;; If you want, you can add a few hooks for convenience:

   ;;  (add-hook 'picolisp-mode-hook
     ;;        (lambda ()
       ;;    (paredit-mode +1) ;; Loads paredit mode automatically
         ;;  (tsm-mode) ;; Enables TSM
        ;;   (define-key picolisp-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)
        ;;   (define-key picolisp-mode-map (kbd "C-h")
'paredit-backward-delete) ) )

;; By the way, don't forget to patch your paredit.el (v21) with the
;;  patch provided to get a smoother editing.

;;(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook (lambda () (slime-mode t)))
;;(add-hook 'inferior-lisp-mode-hook (lambda () (inferior-slime-mode t)))
;;(slime) (slime-scratch)

And having only:

(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
                             '( (emacs-lisp . t)
                               (gnuplot . t)
                               (lisp . t)
                               (picolisp . t)
                               (python . t)
                               (sh . t)))

(Mainly add picolisp above) and then restart Emacs. This works perfectly here.

On 2/22/18, Lawrence Bottorff <> wrote:
> I tracked it down to something totally bizarre: Starting emacs GUI (I'm on
> Ubuntu + Gnome) from a task bar button with the command
> emacsclient -c -a ''
> (that's two single quotes)
> was the problem, i.e., using the emacs daemon. However, changing the task
> bar button to
> emacs --daemon
> then running
> emacs &
> from an open terminal "fixed" the problem. I spent hours tearing things out
> of my init diaspora, doing emacs -q, then C-x-e-ing things back in, etc. I
> have absolutely no idea why starting Emacs this way would make a
> difference. I'm saying this fixed the problem with `run-picolisp` inside of
> picolisp-mode. But still, org-mode picolisp is touchy. For example, one of
> the tutorial examples:
> (let Str "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back"
>    (pack
>       (mapcar '((B) (pad 2 (hex B)))
>          (native "" "MD5"
>             '(B . 16) Str (length Str) '(NIL (16))))))
> runs fine in a picolisp-mode started REPL, but not in an org-mode code
> block like this:
> #+BEGIN_SRC picolisp
> # call the 'MD5' function from ''
> (let Str "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back"
>    (pack
>       (mapcar '((B) (pad 2 (hex B)))
>          (native "" "MD5"
>             '(B . 16) Str (length Str) '(NIL (16))))))
> Running the above gives:
> executing Picolisp code block...
> executing Picolisp source code block
> Wrote /tmp/babel-26285uqi/ob-input-26285Ue1
> org-babel-execute:picolisp: End of file during parsing
> and no result. Also, some of the examples in this
> <> aren't working properly, but then I'm
> guessing it's more org-mode's having changed (tables, variable in source
> block, etc.) since this was put together. Also, doing C-c C-c on an
> org-mode code block doesn't seem to start a REPL as does, say, Racket. I'm
> saying with Racket, any org-mode code block you may run immediately starts
> a  Racket REPL "session" wherein, e.g., a function is then known  . . . but
> this is not the case when you run a picolisp code block. I know Racket runs
> in conjunction with Geiser-mode. I would think picolisp babel would run in
> conjunction with picolisp-mode. . . .
>  Basically, I'm concerned about org-mode more than regular
> picolisp-mode+REPL because Emacs is evolving into an org-mode vehicle, AFAI
> can tell. New people to picolisp who use Emacs will likely be org-moders
> too.
> LB
> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 9:50 PM, Nehal <> wrote:
>> Hi Lawrence,
>> Check:
>> 1. If pil is running correctly in shell from inside Emacs.
>> 2. If you added Picolisp in .emacs file in
>>     (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
>>                                   '((picolisp . t)))
>> On 2/21/18, Lawrence Bottorff <> wrote:
>> > I'm getting either
>> >
>> > Searching for program: No such file or directory, pil
>> >
>> > or
>> >
>> > File already exists: /home/hercynian/.pil/editor-orig
>> >
>> > whenever I try to do `run-picolisp` in Emacs. I've got pil correctly
>> > set
>> > up:
>> >
>> >>which pil
>> > /home/me/opt/picoLisp/pil
>> >
>> > and the command-line pil works fine
>> >
>> >>pil
>> > : (version)
>> > 18.2.3
>> > -> (18 2 3)
>> > :
>> >
>> > I've also spelled out to babel where pil is:
>> >
>> > Org Babel Picolisp Cmd: /home/me/opt/picoLisp/pil
>> >
>> > picolisp-mode starts up fine (using provided .el), but then it can't
>> > evaluate, with similar errors above.
>> >
>> > L. Bottorff
>> > Goshen, IN
>> >
>> --
>> Warm Regards,
>> Nehal Singhal
>> --

Warm Regards,
Nehal Singhal


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