On Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 09:57:48PM +0200, Johann-Tobias Schäg wrote:
> > It is quite inefficient, as it needs to build a new list of > all arguments 
> > on
> > each call:
> Well i see ways how it could be speed up it up in assembly but only by adding
> lots of complexity.

Yes. I'm afraid it needs very much complexity!

Interestingly, 'foldr' would probably be extremely simple and efficient compared
to that.

I have not tested, and not even studied the specs deeply enough (and too lazy at
the moment to dig out the link in Jon's original mail ;), but I *feel* it must
be something along the line:

   (de foldr (F I . @)
      (pass mapc '(@ (setq I (pass F I)))) )

Am I right?
☺/ A!ex

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