Hi Lawrence,

Welcome back to the list!

> Anyone have the definitive setup they could share for picolisp on
> Emacs org-mode?

AFAIK, there is no "definitive setup" in Emacs.

> There seems to be two picolisp-modes

Three is the count I have.

1. picolisp-mode bundled in the picolisp distro.
   - N.B. hasn't been updated in years.

2. Thorsten/tj64 version
   - https://github.com/tj64/picolisp-mode
   - first commit dated Apr 2012

3. Alexis/flexibeast version
   - https://github.com/flexibeast/picolisp-mode
   - first commit dated Nov 2014
   - Lawrence, you might remember discussing #3 with Alexis on this
     mailing list back in 2015.

I use #2.  However, I had found out about ("got tuned into") #3 back
in January (2019), told Alexis that I'd look at it, but haven't yet.
(Sorry, Alexis.)

So although I happily use #2 without issue, I'd recommend to any one
just picking up a picolisp mode for Emacs to go with #3 (as Alexis is
actively maintaining it).

> and org-mode babel needs the "run-picolisp" inferior mode set, etc.

I use #2 and it works with Org Babel.  Thorsten defines `run-picolisp`
in his `inferior-picolisp` here, FYI:


Not sure about #3, as, as I mentioned, I've yet to use Alexis's
picolisp-mode.  If you're up for it, please try it and let us know how
it goes.

My 2 cents (and I hope somebody corrects any errors or omissions on my
part).  Happy hacking!

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