On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 06:14:56PM +0200, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:
> I do have that installed, but the for the library on that first
> line it does not work, I can leave the first (/usr/bin ...) as is, but have 
> to change
> the second entry (/usr/lib ...), otherwise I get a library-not-found error.

That's true, it fixes only the execution path, not the arguments. So
it does not help in this case.

What I do usually with portable scripts is calling 'pil':

   #!/usr/bin/pil @lib/too.l


   #!/usr/bin/pil -load "@lib/too.l" foo/main.l


> > The other escapes, like character attributes, line clearing, show/hide 
> > cursor
> > and switching between first and second screen are more or less just 
> > cosmetics.
> Ok, thanks, maybe I understand that somehow now. 
> If you do a (horizontal) split, then 2 +Window objects refer
> to the same +Buffer object, so changes are synchronized.
> The split is realized by dividing the current window hight by 2,
> adjust the existing +Window object, and create a new one. 


> Vip itself than draws the separating status line for each window
> (except the "mini buffer", in Emacs terminology).

"mini buffer" is the "command window" (the bottom-most window)  in Vip?

☺/ A!ex

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