Hi Grant,

> Thanks Alex. Using a NumField does indeed fix it. Considering that I want to
> display a message like "You cheated!" as well if the user clicks too many 
> times,
> would I just use a different gui component then?

Yes, then +TextField is fine.

> I was trying a pretty naive wrapping of the repl interface to make the gui and
> thought I could pack it all into one gui field.

To get a dynamically changing display, you could instead of passing the numeric
global '*Guess' to a '+NumField'

   (gui '(+Style +Var +NumField) "guess" '*Guess)

use the '+View' prefix to produce arbitrary content:

   (gui '(+Style +View +TextField) "guess"
            "You cheated!" )
            (pack "Guesses: " *Guess) )
         ... ) )

Something like that?

☺/ A!ex

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