Hi Eric,

> (class +Agenda +Entity)
> (rel id (+Key +Number))
> (rel date (+date))
> (rel year (+Idx +Number))
> (rel monthnum (+Idx +Number))
> (rel monthtxt (+Idx +String))
> (rel week (+Idx +Number))
> (rel status (+Idx +String))

'+Idx' is not suitable for numbers, as it builds an index of substrings, not of
the numerical values. '+Ref' would be the best here.

Also, (+date) must be (+Date) (or better (+Ref +Date)).

> Now I want to get all the days for the whole week 32 of the year 2019. My frst
> attempt was to do something like this:
> (? (select (@A) ((year +Agenda 2019) (week +Agenda 32))) (show @A))

This is fine (if the indexes are fixed as above). In addition you need also
filter clauses (before the 'show'):

   (same 2019 @A year)
   (same 32 @A week)

☺/ A!ex

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