On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 11:17:45AM -0800, C K Kashyap wrote:
> Okay, I can see the file name when I print out (: drop)
> ! (: drop)
> -> "/root/.pil/tmp/310/Screen Shot 2019-10-17 at 10.00.18 AM.png"
> How can I get the content of the file? Is it (: home obj)? - that's NIL for
> me.

Hmm, you can do anything what you can do with a file: Read it, copy it, move it
somewhere else.

   : (info (: drop))

should give you size and timestamps,

   : (in (: drop) ...)

lets you read its contents, or

   : (call "mv" (: drop) "/path/to/my/file")

lets you move it.

The example in app/item.l

      ((: drop) (blob! (: home obj) 'jpg @))

stores it as a blob in the current object in the current form (because 'cond'
sets '@' according to the PicoLisp '@' rules for flow functions).

☺/ A!ex

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