Hi Alex,

Thanks for these directions. I will try them out!



Le 22/11/2019 à 16:31, Alexander Burger a écrit :
Hi Eric,

Is there any way to have a web app watch a
file and update itself (as well as what is
displayed by the browser) as soon as the file
is changed?
Yes, I think the necessary ingredients are there.

For example, I use inotifywait to watch database replication files (in the fifo/
directory) and when they change start 'ssl' to replicate them to a remote
server. In startup scripts I have:

    if test -z $(pgrep -u app -x inotifywait)
       echo inotifywait
       inotifywait -mq  -e modify  --format '%f' --exclude beat  fifo |
       while read F
          if test -z $(pgrep -u app -f "bin/ssl .* $F.r")
             bin/ssl remoteHost.de 443 $F.r/\!replica key/remoteHost fifo/$F 
db/$F/blob/ 20 20
       done &

Instead of calling bin/ssl, you would start a script which connects to your
application locally and triggers an 'allow'ed function.

That function then could use Server Sent Events


to update things on the user's screen.

☺/ A!ex

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