Hi Kashyap,

> Can you please confirm if
> "Title" (gui '(+E/R +TextField) '(ttl : home obj) 40)
> and
> "Title" (gui '(+Init +Set +TextField) (get *ID 'ttl) '((X) (put!> *ID 'ttl
> X)) 40)
> are equivalent inside an idForm?

No, +E/R, +Init and +Set are all different.

+E/R is bi-directional, it sets the GUI from the DB, and writes back changes.

+Init runs only once, during the HTTP GET transaction (i.e. not at POST
transactions when a button was pressed).

+Set is triggered whenever a value is *written to* the GUI (as opposed to +Val
which triggers when a value is *fetched* from the GUI.

Your combination of +Init and +Set means that when the page is loaded, the value
is written immediately back to the DB, which is not nevessary. Such a side
effect is better done in +Val (though +E/R does that better).

☺/ A!ex

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