Celebrated too soon!

I created a url> for the tag - I noticed though that modification of the
tag is restricted to the process in which the change is made. The complete
code is here
<https://github.com/ckkashyap/picolispAppPractice/tree/master/step05> - the
entity relation looks like this now -

(class +Task +Entity)
(rel ttl (+IdxFold +String))
(rel tgs (+List +Joint) tsk (+Tag))

(dm url> (Tab)
  (and (list "task.l" '*ID This)) )

(class +Tag +Entity)
(rel tsk (+Joint) tgs (+Task))
(rel nm (+Ref +Link) NIL (+TagNm))

(class +TagNm +Entity)
(rel nm (+IdxFold +String))
(dm url> (Tab)
  (and (list "tag.l" '*ID This)) )

What am I missing :( ?


On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 9:00 PM C K Kashyap <ckkash...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Reporting back!
> Yahoo!!!
> It's works perfectly now! - the complete code is here -
> https://github.com/ckkashyap/picolispAppPractice/tree/master/step04 (please
> ignore the README)
> This week was busy with work so it took longer but it is satisfying to
> watch things beautifully!!!
> (action
>    (html 0 Ttl "@lib.css" NIL
>        (idForm "TITLE" '(choTask) 'nm '+Name *CanEdit *CanDelete '("The "
> (: ttl) " Title")
>            (<grid> 2
>                "Title" (gui '(+E/R +Cue +TextField) '(ttl : home obj)
> "title" 40)
>                (gui '(+E/R +Chart) '(tgs : home obj) 3
>                      '( (This) (list (: nm nm)))
>                      '((L D)
>                           (cond
>                              ((and D (car L)) (put!> D 'nm (request!
> '(+TagNm) 'nm (car L)) ) D)
>                              ((car L) (new! '(+Tag) 'nm (request!
> '(+TagNm) 'nm (uppc (car L))) 'tsk (: home obj)))
>                              (T D))
>                       )
>                )
>            )
>            (<table> NIL "Tags"
>                  '(NIL NIL NIL)
>                  (do 6
>                     (<row> (alternating)
>                        (gui 1 '(+DbHint +TextField) '(nm +TagNm) 40)
>                        (gui 2 '(+DelRowButton))
>                        (gui 3 '(+BubbleButton)) ) )
>            )
>            (scroll 6 T)
>        )
>    )
> )
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 10:28 PM C K Kashyap <ckkash...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes ... sounds like a plan ... I am going to practice some
>> more with +Chart and it's Set/Val functions. It took me some time to get it
>> working :) ... I can see that I am close now :)
>> I'll post back in a couple of days.
>> Regards,
>> Kashyap
>> On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 10:18 PM Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>
>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 09, 2019 at 06:53:29AM +0100, Alexander Burger wrote:
>>> > Yes. The standard way is to have one form, one search dialog, and one
>>> 'url>'
>>> > method per +Entity class, and handle +List's of other objects in a
>>> chart each.
>>> >
>>> > When that works, you can try to make cool nifty things like squeezing
>>> all into a
>>> > single +ListTextField ;)
>>> Especially problematic is the recursive creation of task and task-name
>>> objects
>>> on the fly. This will create lots of garbage objects, as every misspell
>>> of a
>>> name results in a new object.
>>> In the normal way, with search dialogs, objects are created only when
>>> explicitly
>>> pressing the "New" button.
>>> ☺/ A!ex
>>> --
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