Hi Mike,

I like that, looks straight forward.

(after following it for the ubuntu track, one little suggestion: '*
ready to compile pil64' fits perfectly into the ascii view of the .md
file, but in the html view I overlooked it several times because it's
much less attracting attention)

I've never used CentOS so far, so it would be a real test if I could run
pil64 with that doc :-)   (I have to try it, but no promise).

As I'm more used to Ubuntu flavors of Linux,

here is one for an actually downloaded Ubuntu Desktop 19.10 -
bootstrapping via picolisp package only

(I wondered there was no need to install gcc or other utilities, but
okay ...)

Greetings, Olaf

--- snip ---

# you have fresh installed Ubuntu 19.10 x64 ('minimal' chosen in install

## bootstrap via outdated pil64  package
cd ~
sudo apt install picolisp
pil -version -bye
pil @lib/test.l -bye +      # error without +


* ready to compile pil64

## fetch and install latest picoLisp tarball

wget https://software-lab.de/picoLisp.tgz

tar zxvf picoLisp.tgz
(cd picoLisp/src64 ; make)
<ignore output, last line like was sth like this: strip..lib/ht>

export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/picoLisp


## remove previously installed package

sudo apt purge picolisp


## test

pil -version -bye
20.1.3                # should not show 19.7.5

pil @lib/test.l -bye +



On 07.01.2020 20:06, Mike wrote:
hi all,

I've wrote all information how I do install and update of PicoLisp over all my 
Page contains 3 variations how to bootstrap to pil64.

Comments and updates are welcome


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