Certainly. But how is it *implemented* internally? Mostly you suffer
massive performance loss when prepending, because complete linked list gets
moved to a new place in memory. If internal representaion ist a double
cell, one value, pointer to next, then you quickly suffer CPU cache misses.
Wild jumps across memory with upto 18 CPU waitstates for random access.
Means: Your proud 4 GHz machine gets slower than a 250 MHz embedded ESP32
ARM CPU. E.g. Python dqueue doesn't show any performance loss here.

Have fun!

Am Dienstag, 28. April 2020 schrieb Wilhelm Fitzpatrick <raf...@well.com>:
> On 4/27/20 2:42 PM, Guido Stepken wrote:
>> In most Lisp languages, you only can "append" to a list, never
> "Prepend", aka "add to the beginning" seems the natural (and
non-destructive) operation of Lisp, e.g.
> (cons 9 (1 2 3)) -> (9 1 2 3)
> ..perhaps that is what you meant?
> -wilhelm
> --
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