For heavy number crunching, picolisp might not be appropriate. In modern
systems you would probably want something that used the vector
instructions. But if it’s a few divisions here and there, you’d be
surprised how little the efficiency in clock cycles  matters anymore.

On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 14:28 Wilhelm Fitzpatrick <> wrote:

> >> I'm not finding such a thing in the function reference, but asking on
> the off chance I'm
> >> overlooking it. Is there a way in Picolisp to get a division result and
> remainder as a single
> >> operation?
> > Sure
> >
> Thanks! But as Alex intuited, I was looking to leverage the underlying
> processor operation that returns both parts of the integer divide in a
> single operation. But if I follow his response correctly, the cost of
> building the memory representation of the answer swamps the actual cost
> of the divide, and that's going to be similar regardless of if the
> divide and remainder wind up being one machine instruction or two.
> -wilhelm
> --
John Duncan

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