I agree with a lot of this, however I do somewhat oppose the creation of yet another new package manager (see IRC chat logs).

Perhaps try to follow the same "rules" for repos:
- readme, changelog, license, makefile, test.l, module.l

That would be a good start to standardize information about PicoLisp projects, and would make it trivial to discover what's available, their versions, and dependencies through the 'module.l' (which summarizes the project and is accessible through a global constant APP_INFO).

There has been some initial work on trying to manage everything through the module.l file, but I never got very far, again due to my strong opinion on (and against) package managers.

Perhaps someone can write a script to pull all the info from the various module.l files and generate a quick HTML page? Maybe I'll do it? haha. In any case, it's just a list, so it's quite flexible and open to improvements (ex: adding a 'contributors' field, or 'install' instructions (I think i've done that somewhere in another project haha)).


On Sat, 20 Jun 2020, Kevin Ednalino wrote:

I've thought about this also. The "batteries included" philosophy (Python a
good example of this or CL's "alexandria" library), would help welcome new
users getting started quickly, which seems more of a bigger factor for
language adoption these days, and reduce duplication of effort. In
addition, I think this would be more effective with PicoLisp since there is
a BDFL, unlike CL which makes it difficult to come to a consensus.

Not to derail the OP, but in the same vein of thought, another critical
element is a "quicklisp" library, which would be a tremendous boon to the
ecosystem. However, all of this becomes more of a factor as the community
grows. This would be a good topic for the upcoming meeting :)

On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 11:57 AM <andr...@itship.ch> wrote:

Hi aw

Awesome, many thanks.

I will definitely build upon this.
Good if we can re-use and establish some standard picolisp libraries
(beside/in addition to the ones in the distro).
NIH syndrome etc.


On 18.06.20 12:27, Alexander Williams wrote:
Hi all,

It's been a busy week, this time i'm announcing another open source

  picolisp-supervisor: https://github.com/aw/picolisp-supervisor/

It's a program I created almost 4 years ago to copy Unicorn[1], but
which was not suitable for public release. I've tweaked it, wrote some
documentation (and comments), and decided to share the code with
others who may be interested.

The source code is published under the MIT license.

PS: Also check out my other project released earlier this week[2] ;)



- [1] https://yhbt.net/unicorn/
- [2] https://github.com/aw/picolisp-kv

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