Hi Shaughan,

> I'm stumped about how to get an app into PilBox:
> I make a directory myapp containing, among other things, a file named App.l. I
> zip the directory.

This is good, but make sure that the file contains a name and a call to 'menu'
at minimum, because otherwise nothing will be visible.

You may take "App.l" from the "hello" app as an example:

   "Hello World"

   (menu "Hello World!"
      (<h1> "center fh" "Hello World!") )

> - In Termux, I enter 'termux-share ~/storage/downloads/myapp.zip'. Nothing
> happens.

This should also be good. At least it works here, and it is my standard way of
installing apps.

But I've heard that Android is quite picky sometimes in selecting apps for

Same can be achieved (with perhaps the same pickiness) if you use your device's
file browser and select and share it from there.

> - I go to PilBox PILs and try entering /storage/emulated/0/Download/myapp.zip
> and hitting the Download button. I get "Data not found".

This does not work. The download button really means "download". It tries to
access a remote server in the global variable '*Repo'. It is set to
"software-lab.de" by default.

If you have access to a server, upload "myapp.zip" there, then open the REPL in
PilBox and enter (setq *Repo "myserver.com").

Now the Download button should work with "myapp" (without ".zip").

> - In Termux, I enter 'termux-open --send --chooser
> ~/storage/downloads/myapp.zip. A chooser pops up, and I choose PilBox. PilBox
> opens as a blank white screen that survives closing and reopening.

Was your App.l file empty and did not contain the above minimum? That would
explain it ...

☺/ A!ex

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