Hi Davide,

> I have encountered a strange behavior while running some pipes (the number
> of "do" iterations may require some adjustment to trigger the effect):
> (do 10000 (pipe (prin "A string") (make (while (rd 1) (link @)))))
> The execution stops with an error like this (the actual number may vary)
> ? 1345 FD too high
> In Termux this happened with something as low as 300. Note also that in
> Termux I have a pretty high number of files that can be open at the same
> time (~65K).
> I would expect that the file descriptors are closed after the pipe
> execution.

This is correct, but it takes a while. After the pipe'd child process
terminated, the Linux kernel sends a SIGCHLD signal to the parent process, which
then does a waitpid() system call in the signal handler.

So it is necessary not to create too many child processes at the same time. The
above should work if you add a short delay, e.g.

   (do 10000
      (pipe (prin "A string")
         (make (while (rd 1) (link @))) )
      (wait 10) )

☺/ A!ex

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