Hi Tomas, Grant,

> unfortunately, httpGate has a fatal flaw: when a session ends, users end
> up with a dead url.  You have to train your users to know what to do in
> such situation.

This is actually not a flaw of httpGate, but results from the fact that when a
session expires, it is gone. No way to re-activate it without a new

In praxis, this is not a problem. A session never expires as long as the user
does not close the browser, or moves to some other place without keeping at
least one tab open to the application.

> This could be fixed by adding a fallback case to httpGate.

httpGate does have such a fallback: If a file (or symbolic link) named "void"
exists, it is sent as a reply for terminated sessions. It may contain anything,
e.g. a redirect to the application's login page.

☺/ A!ex

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