Thank you Alex and all other participants
(and not at least thanks to beneroth (typed correctly?) providing the
space, where we could meet)

again for this nice PilCon Session.

I like to recap some topics/items, perhaps others can also enjoy 
(disclaimer: there may be misunderstandings or faults in the notes!)

- inspiring discussion if literate programming concepts could help
explaining picolisp code (thanks for demonstrating the 'old' Forth way
to enable a similar idea for documentation without mixing doc strings
into the code')

- no assembler language knowledge required for picolisp beginners
-- but knowledge about the cell structure might help understand the core
functionality ... there are docs in the distribution
-- thanks for demonstrating the helpful cells function 'hidden :-)' in
lib/vip/draw.l (hopefully remembered the path correctly)

- use src files and 'load' early to avoid beginners being frustrated by
-- segfaults on the way to learn picolisp, for me are a bit like "is the
same as learning the first falls of a toddler while running. after a
short time, they are missing out." (kudos to babelfish)

- easy beginner examples to teach children picolisp are wanted (perhaps
from the physics domain?)

- when starting to program in picolisp start thinking about the data
-- might be lists if you want to train list handling
-- might be classes and objects, if you want an example which can be
easily enhanced or changed later without changing the whole work done so far

- picolisp is different from other LISPs

- using picolisp classes/objects has (very?) little performance constraints

Surely there were more interesting items to remember, but too much for
me :-)

Thank you all,

hopefully we'll meet again in one of the next PilCons :-)



On 03.09.20 18:13, Alexander Burger wrote:
> Hi all,
> as a reminder, tomorrow is PilCon again!
> As scheduled, we start at 8:00 UTC on
> (for those who missed it: PilCon is on the first (8:00 UTC) and on the third
> (16:00 UTC) Friday every month)
> ☺/ A!ex


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