On 01.10.20 08:29, Alexander Burger wrote:
> Any requests or proposals?

Just some ideas ... if nothing else comes up ...

(I created this earlier, before the post of pd, so perhaps we could add
this at the end of an (imaginary) list of topics for the next
opportunities ... )

- What about talking about a short example of using svg.l? - I only
  found a nice canvas demo in the website search

- Looking inside the demo apps of the distribution and how to embed CSS
  flexBox elements so that the forms will react responsive on smaller

- For teaching purposes: Could one factor out portions/snippets of a
  many-lines-of-code-function into seperate definitions and use them
  -- the shortened original function itself
  -- separate tests to approve functionality when changing the code
  -- extra (let ...  ) bindings to visualize the effect of the snippet

- If compiling pil21 on as many platforms as possible would be helpful at
  the present moment
  -- could one give some hints how to find out the requirements and
  steps for compiling (in my case on Debian + Ubuntu derivates), the
  given examples for CentOS, Fedora, Solaris are all looking different
  to me

- And finally, if nothing else attracts any attention :-), we could open
  the philosopher's field and try to discuss
-- For what kind of programmer is picoLisp the right environment to deal
  hobbyists, professionals, students?

-- Does picoLisp and/or especially pil21 work towards a specific goal?

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