Thank you for the precisions and Picolisp, it is a very nice system.

On Fri, May 7, 2021, 12:11 AM Alexander Burger <> wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> > In that case, what is the status of Picolisp 32-bit?
> > I read in the doc in many places "64-bit version only". Is Picolisp
> 32-bit
> > deprecated?
> All PicoLisp versions except pil21 (e.g. pil32, pil64, miniPicoLisp,
> ErsatzLisp,
> PilMCU and PilOS) are still around, but I don't actively maintain them any
> more.
> > If so, it creates a cognitive dissonance in my mind. A system
> > created to be small and fast runs only on 64-bit?
> I believe this is no contradiction. The system is still small and fast,
> just the
> pointer size is 64 instead of 32 bits.
> The trend is towards 64 bits, in servers, desktops, notebooks, smartphones
> and
> even single-board computers (RasPi). Only small embedded systems remain,
> and
> there just miniPicoLisp makes sense.
> BTW, the "pico" in the name never meant the system size (you can build
> large
> applications with PicoLisp), but the small number of basic concepts.
> ☺/ A!ex
> --

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