On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 01:15:54PM -0500, polifemo wrote:
>                   (cond
> ->>                  ((pre? "+" S)
>                         (link
>                            (cons
>                               (cond
>                                  ((= "+" S) T)
>                                  ((format S) @)
>                                  (T (cdr (chop S))) )
>                               (opt) ) ) )
> ...
> I think it means "do something special when the argument starts with "+".


It first checks if the argument is just a single "+". If so, Vip opens the file
from the following argument and jumps to its end

   $ vip + file  # Go to the end of "file"

Otherwise, if it is a number (told by 'format'), it opens the file and jumps to
that number

   $ vip +42 file  # Go to line 42

Else, the argument is taken as a "word" pattern to search for

   $ vip +foo file  # Search for "foo"

You can hit 'n' (find next) when the file is open.

"Word" is a word according to PicoLisp delimiter rules, the same as if you start
a search by hitting '*' on a word.

☺/ A!ex

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