On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 05:40:39PM -0500, polifemo wrote:
> I realized the source of my previous loading problem:
> `((pre? "-" S) (load S))` this is the offending line: it checks if the
> argument string starts with a "-" to load it, but then it does not get rid
> of it, so it looks for the file with a "-" prepended.

No, this is not loading a file.

It emulates the normal PicoLisp command line behavior. In PicoLisp, if an
argument starts with a '-', it is executed as a Lisp expression instead of being
loaded as a file:

   $ ./pil -version -bye

   $ ./pil -"println 'OK"

In Vip, this is useful for example to set the correct namespace:

   $ vip --symbols llvm src/main.l +

(note the double '-' as the function is '-symbols'), or to do other useful

   $ vip -"trace 'foo" -"debug 'bar" lib/vip.l +

☺/ A!ex

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