
The example below is taken from the documentation of ‘struct’ in pil21.
In this case ’struct’ no longer returns the address of the memory region.

With this change misc/rcsim.l no longer runs (I’ve learned it the hard way).

I would like to ask, that this was intentional ?


## /* We assume the following C structure */
## typedef struct value {
##    int x, y;
##    double a, b, c;
##    long z;
##    char nm[4];
## } value;

# Allocate structure
: (setq P (native "@" "malloc" 'N 56))
-> 9204032

# Store two integers, three doubles, one long, and four characters
: (struct P 'N -7 -4 (1.0 0.11 0.22 0.33) (7 . 8) 65 66 67 0)
-> 9204032

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