Hi Sjain

I would recommend to periodically compute hashes of the files (e.g.
using b2-sum command line tool, see
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLAKE_(hash_function) ), if a file
changes, then it's hash changes (binary or text doesn't matter).
When you combine this with a well secured backup, you should be able to
detect and identify such changes.

Kind regards,
- beneroth

On 21.05.21 20:25, SJain wrote:
> Many thanks to Beneroth for clearing the air on utility of encryption.
> It restores my faith in basic text source code.
> As an engineer and practical scientist, concerned not with number
> crunching speed but with teaching elegant and useful programming
> language such as Lisp to students and subordinates, I still would be
> happier with a 'somewhat' greater degree of security from tampering,
> as afforded for example by bytecode files, in particular usecases such
> as automatic test equipment setup for reliability of measured data.
> Can that be achieved in any way within picoLisp?
> BR,
> SJain 

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