
I'm using picolisp version 18.12.27 C in a debian 10.10 based distro,
installed as package picolisp 18.12-1

I'm playing with pilog and there're some examples that does not run:

1- the example in doc reference for repeat/0 [1] :

: (be integer (@I)   # Generate unlimited supply of integers
   (^ @C (box 0))    # Init to zero
   (repeat)          # Repeat from here
   (^ @I (inc @C)) )
-> integer

: (? (integer @X))
 @X=4.               # Stop
-> NIL

but I got nothing printed, no values for @X var, it keeps doing apparently
nothing until I kill the process

I can make it work if I use the -> functon this way:

: (be integer (@I)
   (^ @C (box 0))
   (^ @I (inc (-> @C))) )

Is the reference documentation incorrect?

2- the example of factorial in Mia's blog  [2] :

: (be factorial (0 1) T)
-> factorial

: (be factorial (@N @X)
      (^ @A (dec @N))
      (factorial @A @B)
      (^ @X (* @N @B)) )
-> factorial

: (? (factorial 5 @X))
-> NIL

but when I execute (? (factorial 5 @X)) in my lisp I got:

: (? (factorial 5 @X))
-> NIL

only valid result is when executing  (? (factorial 0 @X)) :

: (? (factorial 0 @X))
-> NIL

debugging does not help:

: (? factorial (factorial 0 @X))
1 (factorial 0 1)
-> NIL

: (? factorial (factorial 5 @X))
2 (factorial 5 @X)
-> NIL

Again I get it working using the -> function this way:

: (be factorial (@N @X)
      (^ @A (dec (-> @N)))
      (factorial @A @B)
      (^ @X (* (-> @N) (-> @B))) )
-> factorial


: (? (factorial 5 @X))
-> NIL

but I cannot get an answer for the inverse query:

: (? (factorial @X 120))
-> NIL

any hint?

I assume the use of -> function is needed but that means picolisp
documentation and Mia's blog is wrong.

Also I would like to know if pilog unification deals with compound
predicates, I mean, in prolog you can write:

? p( X )

Querying for values of X veryfing a p predicate. How can you get that in

I've tried this two:

(be p ((R y)))

(be pp ((R (y))))

and it appears to work:

(? (p @X))
@X=(R y)
-> NIL

(? (pp @X))
@X=(R (y))
-> NIL

but I'm not sure it's the same semantics as prolog, because this appears to
me as stating p as a list , not a compound predicate.

In other words, what is the correct translation to this prolog clauses to

prolog                          pilog
p(a).                           (be p (a))
p(x,y).                         (be p (x y))
p(r(b)).                        (be p (r (b)))      ? not working  (-> NIL)
                                (be p ((r (b))))    ? gets @X=(r (b))
                                (be p ((r b)))      ? gets @X=(r b)
p(z(a),b)                       (be p ((z a) b))    ? gets @X=(z a) @Y=b
                                (be p ((z (a)) b))  ? gets @X=(z (a)) @Y=b

best regards

[1] R (software-lab.de) <https://software-lab.de/doc/refR.html#repeat/0>
[2] How to use Pilog in PicoLisp (picolisp-explored.com)

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