> On May 29, 2022, at 21:16, Mike <tankf33...@disroot.org> wrote:
>> Ok. I have readline installed both with brew and port:
> why you have both brew and port? You mess it.

Because some utilities are only available in port and some in brew but they 
have common dependencies so the dependencies come installed like this.

I tried your MakeFile with only brew, and then with only macport, and both 
ended up with the same error message.

Plus, I already had that mixed setup when I first build pil21 so I'm not sure 
it's relevant here.

>> ➜ pil21+ git:(master) ✗ cd src
>> ➜ src git:(master) ✗ rm *.bc
>> ➜ src git:(master) ✗ make
>> /opt/local/libexec/llvm-10/bin/llvm-link: lib.bc: error: Unknown attribute 
>> kind (68) (Producer: 'APPLE_1_1300.0.29.30_0' Reader: 'LLVM 10.0.1')
>> /opt/local/libexec/llvm-10/bin/llvm-link: error: loading file 'lib.bc'
>> make: *** [picolisp.bc] Error 1
> remove .SILENT keyword and show full output, you still mess builtin and LLVM 
> from brew-port.

➜  pil21+ git:(master) ✗ cd src
➜  src git:(master) ✗ rm *.bc
➜  src git:(master) ✗ make
opt -O3   -o base.bc base.ll
clang -O3 -w -c -o lib.bc -D_OS='"Darwin"' -D_CPU='"x86_64"' `pkg-config 
--cflags libffi` -emit-llvm lib.c
llvm-link -o picolisp.bc base.bc lib.bc
/opt/local/libexec/llvm-10/bin/llvm-link: lib.bc: error: Unknown attribute kind 
(68) (Producer: 'APPLE_1_1300.0.29.30_0' Reader: 'LLVM 10.0.1')
/opt/local/libexec/llvm-10/bin/llvm-link: error:  loading file 'lib.bc'
make: *** [picolisp.bc] Error 1

Jean-Christophe Helary @brandelune

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