Hi Kevin,

> I'm wondering why this is not running as expected?
> (for @Cls '(+A +B)
>   (run
>     (fill
>       '((class @Cls)
>         (println 'define '@Cls) # prints: "define +A", then "define +B"
>         (dm c> () (println (type This) 'default))))))
> ..
> (extend +B)
> (dm c> () (println (type This) 'extended)) # prints: "c> +B redefined"

It is because 'dm' stores the whole method definition as it is, i.e.
(c> NIL (println ...)), without doing an extra copy.

If later called again with another definition for the same message, it modifies
the existing definition destructively.

Normally this is not a problem, as the definitions are read from a source file
and are thus fresh in each definition.

In the above 'for' loop, the method entry (c> NIL (println ...)) is re-used, so
that both classes point to the same cell. Then, when you redefine 'c>' in '+B'
you also modify it in '+A' as a side effect.

To avoid this behavior, you can call

   (undef 'c> '+B)

before redefining 'c>' in '+B'.

Or, even better, use a common superclass which defines 'c>',
and then override it in '+B'.

☺/ A!ex

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