On Sun, Aug 06, 2023 at 11:33:32AM +0100, Jason Vas Dias wrote:
> Yes, but please mention something about '(script ...) in the
> main 'ref' "Invocation" Section.  It took me a long time to find!

Can you first explain what you are trying to achieve?

'script' in the hashbang line makes no sense to me, because it is the *essence*
of hashbang that the whole file gets scripted.

Moreover, if there is no (bye) at the end, the script will be loaded TWICE!

You wrote:

   #!/usr/bin/pil -script (car (nth (argv) 1)) (nth (argv) 2)
   (let (ars (car (rest)))
    (prinl (car (nth (file) 2)) " ARGS: " (sym ars))

First of all: PLEASE, PLEASE stop publishing code that violates the rules! How
often do I have to say that??? Newcomers of PicoLisp will take those bad habits

At least 'ars' should be 'Ars'.

Then, (car (rest))) could be just (next) here.

And - again - (car (nth (file) 2)) is unlispy. Use (cadr (file)).

BUT: Why do you go through all that trouble?

This does the same:

   (prinl (cadr (file)) " ARGS: " (sym (argv)))

Note that 'sym' is bad here. Does a lot of unnecessay conversions. Better is:

   (prin (cadr (file)) " ARGS: ")
   (println (argv))

So why do we need 'script'?

The example with 'load'

   #!/usr/bin/pil -load "@lib/http.l" "@lib/xhtml.l"

is useful because it has dual use. You can execute it as


and "@lib/http.l" get loaded, or you can

   (load "myscript.l")

in a program where thes files *are* already loaded. Then the hashbang is a
comment and the files are not loaded again.

☺/ A!ex

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