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The following page has been changed by SanthoshSrinivasan:

   * For `Internal Errors`, throw `RuntimeException` or its derivation. Catch 
the exception in main, log it, including the stack, to the client side log. 
Write failure message to stderr pointing to the log file.
-  * For `Frontend Errors`, throw `FrontendException` or a subclass of 
`FrontendException`. Catch the exception in main, log it, including the stack, 
to the client side log. Write failure message to stderr pointing to the log 
file. The front-end consists of multiple components - parser, type checker, 
optimizer, translators, etc. All the errors from these components can be 
categorized as front-end errors. Components that are part of the front end will 
throw specific exceptions that capture the context. For example, the parser 
throws a `ParseException`, the type checker will throw a 
`TypeCheckerException`, etc. A list of the exceptions thrown in the front-end 
are as follows.
+  * For `Frontend Errors`, throw `FrontendException` or a subclass of 
`FrontendException`. Catch the exception in main, log it, including the stack, 
to the client side log. Write failure message to stderr pointing to the log 
file. The front-end consists of multiple components - parser, type checker, 
optimizer, translators, etc. All the errors from these components can be 
categorized as front-end errors. Components that are part of the front end will 
throw specific exceptions that capture the context. For example, the parser 
throws a `ParseException`, the type checker will throw a 
`TypeCheckerException`, etc. A list of the exceptions thrown in the front-end 
are as follows. More information is available at [#funcspec error handling 
functional specification].
     1. `FrontendException` Generic front-end exception (subclass of 
`PigException`). Also used for indicating semantic errors and to wrap user 
errors from generated class `ParseException`
     1. `JobCreationException` Used for indicating errors during Map Reduce job 
creation (subclass of `FrontendException`)
@@ -36, +36 @@

   * For `Backend Errors` there will need to be backend specific way to get the 
error from the backend to the frontend. Once this is done, log the error into 
client side log file and throw `ExecuteException`. Catch the exception in main, 
log it, including the stack, to the client side log. Write failure message to 
stderr pointing to the log file.
+ === Using the exception classes ===
+ The `PigException` and its subclasses have an extensive suite of 
constructors. The important constructors are noted below:
+    1. `PigException (String message, int errCode, byte errSrc)`
+    1. `PigException (String message, int errCode, byte errSrc, Throwable 
+  * The parameter `message` denotes the error message associated with the 
exception. The error message should be easy to read and minimize the use of 
technical jargon to the extent possible.
+  * The parameter `errCode` is the error code unique to the error message. The 
classification of error codes is documented in [#funcspec error handling 
functional specification]
+  * The parameter `errSrc` indicates the source or nature of the error. The 
input sources are one of:
+    1. `PigException.BUG`
+    1. `PigException.INPUT`
+    1. `PigException.REMOTE_ENVIRONMENT`
+    1. `PigException.USER_ENVIRONMENT`
+  * In cases where exceptions are wrapped or embedded, the fourth parameter 
`cause` will be a reference to the originating exception.
+ A couple of examples will illustrate the point.
+ {{{#!java
+ throw new PigException("Expected bytearray but received int", 1300, 
+ //alternatively
+ int errCode = 1300;
+ String msg = "Expected bytearray but received int";
+ throw new PigException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
+ try {
+ ...
+ } catch (RemoteException re) {
+    throw new PigException("Internal error. Caught some other exception", 
5500, PigException.REMOTE_ENVIRONMENT, re);
+ }
+ //alternatively
+ try {
+ ...
+ } catch (RemoteException re) {
+    int errCode = 5500;
+    String msg = "Internal error. Caught some other exception";
+    throw new PigException(msg, errCode, PigException.REMOTE_ENVIRONMENT, re);
+ }
+ }}}
  == Pig and Eclipse ==
  To use Pig with the Eclipse IDE, see ["Eclipse Environment"].
+ == References ==
+    1. [[Anchor(funcspec)]] Santhosh Srinivasan, "Pig Error Handling 
Functional Specification" January 23, 2009,

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