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The "PigErrorHandlingFunctionalSpecification" page has been changed by daijy.


  ||2216||Cannot get field schema||
  ||2217||Problem setFieldSchema||
  ||2218||Invalid resource schema: bag schema must have tuple as its field||
+ ||2219||Attempt to disconnect operators which are not connected||
+ ||2220||Plan in inconssistent state, connected in fromEdges but not toEdges||
+ ||2221||No more walkers to pop||
+ ||2222||Expected LogicalExpressionVisitor to visit expression node||
+ ||2223||Expected LogicalPlanVisitor to visit relational node||
+ ||2224||Found LogicalExpressionPlan with more than one root||
+ ||2225||Projection with nothing to reference||
+ ||2226||Cannot fine reference for ProjectExpression||
+ ||2227||LogicalExpressionVisitor expects to visit expression plans||
+ ||2228||Could not find a related project Expression for Dereference||
+ ||2229||Couldn't find matching uid for project expression||
+ ||2230||Cannot get column from project||
+ ||2231||Unable to set index on newly create POLocalRearrange||
+ ||2232||Cannot get schema||
+ ||2233||Cannot get predecessor||
+ ||2234||Cannot get group key schema||
+ ||2235||Expected an ArrayList of Expression Plans||
+ ||2236||User defined load function should implement the LoadFunc interface||
+ ||2237||Unsupported operator in inner plan||
+ ||2238||Expected list of expression plans||
+ ||2239||Structure of schema change||
+ ||2240||LogicalPlanVisitor can only visit logical plan||
+ ||2241||UID is not found in the schema ||
+ ||2242||TypeCastInserter invoked with an invalid operator||
+ ||2243||Attempt to remove operator that is still connected to other 
  ||2998||Unexpected internal error.||
  ||2999||Unhandled internal error.||
  ||3000||IOException caught while compiling POMergeJoin||

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