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The "ProposedByLaws" page has been changed by AlanGates.


  perception of an action in the wider Pig community. For PMC decisions,
  only the votes of PMC members are binding.
- Voting can also be applied to changes made to the Pig codebase. These
+ Voting can also be applied to changes already made to the Pig codebase. These
  typically take the form of a veto (-1) in reply to the commit message
- sent when the commit is made.
+ sent when the commit is made.  Note that this should be a rare occurance.
+ All efforts should be made to discuss issues when they are still patches 
before the code is committed.
  === Approvals ===
  These are the types of approvals that can be sought. Different actions
@@ -171, +172 @@

  === Actions ===
  This section describes the various actions which are undertaken within
  the project, the corresponding approval required for that action and
- those who have binding votes over the action.
+ those who have binding votes over the action.  It also specifies the minimum 
length of time that a vote must remain open, measured in business days.
+ In general votes should not be called at times when it is
+ known that interested members of the project will be unavailable.
- || '''Action''' || '''Description''' || '''Approval''' || '''Binding Votes''' 
+ || '''Action''' || '''Description''' || '''Approval''' || '''Binding Votes''' 
|| '''Length''' ||
- || Code Change || A change made to a codebase of the project and committed by 
a committer. This includes source code, documentation, website content, etc. || 
Lazy approval || Active committers ||
+ || Code Change || A change made to a codebase of the project and committed by 
a committer. This includes source code, documentation, website content, etc. || 
Lazy approval (not counting the vote of the contributor), moving to lazy 
majority if a -1 is received || Active committers || 1 ||
- || Release Plan || Defines the timetable and actions for a release. The plan 
also nominates a Release Manager. || Lazy majority || Active committers ||
+ || Release Plan || Defines the timetable and actions for a release. The plan 
also nominates a Release Manager. || Lazy majority || Active committers || 3 ||
- || Product Release || When a release of one of the project's products is 
ready, a vote is required to accept the release as an official release of the 
project. || Lazy Majority || Active PMC members ||
+ || Product Release || When a release of one of the project's products is 
ready, a vote is required to accept the release as an official release of the 
project. || Lazy Majority || Active PMC members || 3 ||
- || Adoption of New Codebase || When the codebase for an existing, released 
product is to be replaced with an alternative codebase. If such a vote fails to 
gain approval, the existing code base will continue.  This also covers the 
creation of new sub-projects within the project. || 2/3 majority || Active PMC 
members '''NOTE''': Change from Hadoop proposal which had Active committers ||
+ || Adoption of New Codebase || When the codebase for an existing, released 
product is to be replaced with an alternative codebase. If such a vote fails to 
gain approval, the existing code base will continue.  This also covers the 
creation of new sub-projects within the project. || 2/3 majority || Active PMC 
members '''NOTE''': Change from Hadoop proposal which had Active committers || 
6 ||
- || New Committer || When a new committer is proposed for the project. || Lazy 
consensus || Active PMC members ||
+ || New Committer || When a new committer is proposed for the project. || Lazy 
consensus || Active PMC members || 3 ||
- || New PMC Member || When a committer is proposed for the PMC. || Lazy 
consensus || Active PMC members ||
+ || New PMC Member || When a committer is proposed for the PMC. || Lazy 
consensus || Active PMC members || 3 ||
- || Committer Removal || When removal of commit privileges is sought.  
'''Note:''' Such actions will also be referred to the ASF board by the PMC 
chair. || Consensus || Active PMC members (excluding the committer in question 
if a member of the PMC). ||
+ || Committer Removal || When removal of commit privileges is sought.  
'''Note:''' Such actions will also be referred to the ASF board by the PMC 
chair. || Consensus || Active PMC members (excluding the committer in question 
if a member of the PMC). || 6 ||
- || PMC Member Removal || When removal of a PMC member is sought.  '''Note:''' 
 Such actions will also be referred to the ASF board by the PMC chair. || 
Consensus || Active PMC members (excluding the member in question). ||
+ || PMC Member Removal || When removal of a PMC member is sought.  '''Note:''' 
 Such actions will also be referred to the ASF board by the PMC chair. || 
Consensus || Active PMC members (excluding the member in question). || 6 ||
- || Modifying Bylaws || Modifying this document. || 2/3 majority || Active PMC 
members ||
+ || Modifying Bylaws || Modifying this document. || 2/3 majority || Active PMC 
members || 6 ||
- === Voting Timeframes ===
- Votes are open for a period of 3 work days to allow all active voters
- time to consider the vote. Votes relating to code changes are not
- subject to a strict timetable but should be made as timely as possible.

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