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The following page has been changed by UtkarshSrivastava:

        * ''"Reduce" behavior:'' Recall that in the Pig data model, a tuple may 
contain fields of type ''bag''. Hence an Eval Function may perform aggregation 
or "reducing" by iterating over a bag of tuples nested within the input tuple. 
This is how the built-in aggregation function SUM(...) works, for example.   
  The other types of functions are:
-    * '''Filter Function:''' evalutes to True or False when given a tuple; 
used to eliminate unwanted tuples from a relation or bag
-    * '''Group Function:''' assigns tuples to group(s) 
     * '''Load Function:''' controls reading of tuples from files
     * '''Store Function:''' controls storing of tuples to files
  ==== Example ====
- The following example uses each of the five types of functions. It computes 
the set of unique IP addresses associated with "good" products drawn from a 
list of products found on the web.
+ The following example uses each of the types of functions. It computes the 
set of unique IP addresses associated with "good" products drawn from a list of 
products found on the web.
  register myFunctions.jar
  products = LOAD '/productlist.txt' USING MyListStorage() AS (name, price, 
description, url);
- goodProducts = FILTER products BY (price <= '19.99' AND 
+ goodProducts = FILTER products BY (price <= '19.99');
  hostnames = FOREACH goodProducts GENERATE MyHostExtractor(url) AS hostname;
  uniqueIPs = FOREACH (GROUP hostnames BY MyIPLookup(hostname)) GENERATE group 
AS ipAddress;
  STORE uniqueIPs INTO '/iplist.txt' USING MyListStorage();
- In the above example, !MyListStorage() serves as a load function as well as a 
store function; !MyFilter() is a filter function; !MyHostExtractor() is an eval 
function; MyIPLookup() is a group function. `myFunctions.jar` is a jar file 
that contains the classes for the user-defined functions.
+ In the above example, !MyListStorage() serves as a load function as well as a 
store function; !MyHostExtractor() and !MyIPLookup() are eval functions. 
`myFunctions.jar` is a jar file that contains the classes for the user-defined 
  === How to write functions ===
@@ -41, +39 @@

  Click below to learn how to build your own:
     * EvalFunction
-    * FilterFunction
-    * GroupFunction
-    * StorageFunction (These are the most difficult to write, and usually, the 
inbuilt ones should be enough)
+    * Load/Store Function (These are the most difficult to write, and usually, 
the inbuilt ones should be enough)
  === Ok, I have written my function, how to use it? ===

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