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The following page has been changed by OlgaN:

  You can use your functions following the steps below:
     * Put all the compiled files used by your function together into a jar file
-    * Tell Pig about that jar by the `register <udfJar>` command before using 
the function. To register a UDF jar, you can either specify a full path to the 
jar file or you can place the jar file in your classpath and pig will find it 
there. (If you are using PigLatin in embedded mode, call 
+    * Tell Pig about that jar by the `register <udfJar>` command before using 
the function. To register a UDF jar, you can either specify a full path to the 
jar file (`register /home/myjars/udfs.jar`) or you can place the jar file in 
your classpath and pig will find it there (`register udfs.jar`). (If you are 
using PigLatin in embedded mode, call `PigServer.registerJar()`).
     * Then use your function, as you would use a builtin! Its that simple.

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