
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gates [mailto:ga...@yahoo-inc.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:34 AM
To: pig-dev@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: [VOTE] Pig to become a top level Apache project

Earlier this week I began a discussion on Pig becoming a TLP 
  ).  All of the received feedback was positive.  So, let's have a  
formal vote.

I propose we move Pig to a top level Apache project.

I propose that the initial PMC of this project be the list of all  
currently active Pig committers (http://hadoop.apache.org/pig/whoweare.html 
  ) as of 18 August 2010.

I nominate Olga Natkovich as the chair of the PMC.  (PMC chairs have  
no more power than other PMC members, but they are responsible for  
writing regular reports for the Apache board, assigning rights to new  
committers, etc.)

I propose that as part of the resolution that will be forwarded to the  
Apache board we include that one of the first tasks of the new Pig PMC  
will be to adopt bylaws for the governance of the project.


If this vote passes, the next step is that the proposal will be  
forwarded to the Hadoop PMC for discussion and vote.
If the Hadoop PMC vote passes, a formal resolution is then drafted  
(see http://bit.ly/bvOTRq for an example resolution) and sent to the  
Apache board.
The Apache board will then vote on whether to make Pig a TLP.

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