On 06/14/2013 06:28 AM, Ken Phillis Jr wrote:
On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Kenneth Graunke <kenn...@whitecape.org> wrote:
Often, I make changes to Mesa which only affect tests that actually
execute on the GPU.  For such changes, there's no real benefit to
running compiler-only/front-end tests, such as glslparsertest and
asmparsertest files.  There are a lot of those, so cutting them can save
quite a bit of time when running Piglit.

This patch looks good to me. I can definitely see the use for this
overall seeing as how the tests that you removed are the longer
running tests. I think this is probably better mentioned as a basic
runtime test more than a gpu test where the tests being ran check that
the OpenGL state itself is working right more than the compiler tests.

But...that's not what it is.

Excluding glslparsertests via -x is tricky since a lot of them live way
down in the spec/... hierarchy.  It's much easier to filter them out by
checking for the GLSLParserTest class.

Essentially, gpu.tests is quick.tests minus compiler-only tests.  In the
future, we could probably remove API-only tests (though there are a much
smaller number of those and they run fairly quickly).

I think this is fairly good as is. I would think this profile should
cover the front end of OpenGL, OpenCL, and the numerous OpenGL ES

Ehh...but this actually runs all the execution tests, which actually use the GPU to draw things..the explicit goal is to test the driver backend. I'd say also say those are the long running ones; the compiler tests removed here are fairly quick (compiling a 2-10 line shader is fast)...there are just a lot of them.

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