On 18/08/14 15:51, Emil Velikov wrote:
On 18/08/14 15:22, Jose Fonseca wrote:
On 12/08/14 18:18, Emil Velikov wrote:
   - Use WAFFLE_LIBRARIES over WAFFLE_LDFLAGS for linking purposes.


This particular change is causing the build to fail when libwaffle-1.so is not
on a standard library directory (ie., outside /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib).
This happened to me as my build machines don't install waffle on system

I'm not sure what was the driver for replacing WAFFLE_LIBRARIES with
WAFFLE_LDFLAGS, but I believe we should undo it.

The driver behind the change is (if I understand the cmake manual) that one
should not use the *_LDFLAGS variables, but only INCLUDE_DIRS and LIBRARIES.

It's possible.

cmake's documentation for FindPkgConfig says:

                 <XPREFIX>_FOUND          ... set to 1 if module(s) exist
<XPREFIX>_LIBRARIES ... only the libraries (w/o the '-l') <XPREFIX>_LIBRARY_DIRS ... the paths of the libraries (w/o the '-L')
                 <XPREFIX>_LDFLAGS        ... all required linker flags
                 <XPREFIX>_LDFLAGS_OTHER  ... all other linker flags
<XPREFIX>_INCLUDE_DIRS ... the '-I' preprocessor flags (w/o the '-I')
                 <XPREFIX>_CFLAGS         ... all required cflags
                 <XPREFIX>_CFLAGS_OTHER   ... the other compiler flags

But it's not clear whether the *_LIBRARIES is supposed to have absolute paths, or just the names. If just the names, then *_LIBRARIES alone can't work: one will also need to use *_LIBRARY_DIRS , or *_LDFLAGS...

I suspect that there is a bug with waffle-1.pc can you attach/inline it ?

$ cat ~/jobs/waffle-ubuntu64/lastSuccessful/archive/publish/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/waffle-1.pc

Name: waffle-1
Description: a library for selecting an OpenGL API and window system at runtime
Version: 1.3.90
Libs: -L${libdir} -lwaffle-1
Cflags: -I${includedir}/waffle-1

Whereas for a quick fix I would recommend adding back WAFFLE_LDFLAGS in

Yes, it fixes the build for now. And we can always revert once again after figuring out what's the correct way to do it.


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