Hey, folks. We have a MySql database we need to connect to on this project, and having trouble getting asynchronous requests to work.
If we use `dbconn->typed_query`, we get the expected response. With promise_query, seeing: `SQL status: still running...` Chris Angelico promises (pun intended) to pry further into it, and I hope you don't mind more spam from me in the meantime. mixed q = dbconn->promise_query("select 1 from dual"); werror("Promise: %O\n", q); mixed result = await(q); werror("Result: %O\n", result); werror("Rows: %O\n", result->get()); } WARNING: MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Query result: ({ /* 1 element */ ([ /* 1 element */ "1": 1 ]) }) Create future mysql(/*mysql-test.gotagtech.com via TCP/IP*/) "select 1 from dual" 0 Create future result mysql(/*mysql-test.gotagtech.com via TCP/IP*/) "select 1 from dual" 0 Callback got ({ /* 1 element */ ({ /* 1 element */ 1 }) }) Callback got 0 Future succeeded "select 1 from dual" Promise: __builtin.Sql.Promise(no Promise: __builtin.Sql.Promise(no future,FutureResult from query: "select 1 from dual", bindings: 0 recordcount: 1 SQL status: still running...) Thanks much and have a good and great one. Mike