Hello Christian,

On 2013-08-25 21:50, Christian Vielhauer wrote:

okay, i have tried with an mail from 22.8.2013.

in webui table, it shows date "2013.08.24"
in webui mailview, it shows "Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 11:31:57 +0200"

pilertest 4000....eml gives the following information:

sent: 1377163917, delivered-date: 0
hdr len: 1611
body digest: d39d18af8e5b6b0f1cae7f0c3edc8e6d842389a84074c69f8e2923aa9e38504a
rules check: (null)
retention period: 1598380156
direction: 3
spam: 0

Timestamp 1377163917 == 22/08/2013 == Date of Header

so far so good

Also connect to the piler database, and run the following:

select id, sent, archived from metadata limit 10;

I think you mean column arrived, not archived, because archived is not available

yes, you are right

mysql> select id, sent, archived from metadata limit 10;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'archived' in 'field list'
mysql> select id, sent, arrived from metadata limit 10;
| id | sent | arrived |
| 1 | 1322122415 | 1377158448 |
| 2 | 1323787445 | 1377158448 |
| 3 | 1296133257 | 1377158448 |
| 4 | 1361173764 | 1377158448 |
| 5 | 1325859359 | 1377158450 |
| 6 | 1305890031 | 1377158450 |
| 7 | 1352987456 | 1377158450 |
| 8 | 1248235864 | 1377158450 |
| 9 | 1370009806 | 1377158450 |
| 10 | 1355389487 | 1377158450 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Timestamp 1377158448 == 22/08/2013 !!!!!

Timestamp 1322122415 == 24/11/2011 !!!!!

that's correct

OR from same id as the .eml file:

mysql> select id, sent, arrived from metadata where
| id | sent | arrived |
| 276928 | 1377371806 | 1377371806 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Timestamp 1377371806 == 24/08/2013 !!!!! but 22/08/2013 is read by pilertest

wait a second. When got an email by smtp, then sent = arrived = <current timestamp> However when import manually by pilerimport, then sent is usually differ from arrived.
Arrived means when the email arrived the archive.

I also took a spam from back 2006, and imported manually, and the gui shows the date properly: 2006.09.01. or similar. Also the shown date is computed from the "sent" column
which is fine for you.

Please check model/search/search.php, locate the get_meta_data function, and verify that
it has the following line:

$m['date'] = date(DATE_TEMPLATE, $m['sent']);

then check DATE_TEMPLATE in config*php, and finally check the clock and timezone of the virtual


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