Hello Stephen,

On 2013-09-17 19:54, Stephen Ingram wrote:
After having installed 0.1.24 I notice that the CPU usage is always
at 100%. /var/piler/stat/cpu.stat reports 96.63 which according to
mpstat is the %idle. That should mean a very low usage, correct? But
the bar in the UI is red and pegged near 100%. I see issue #127 that
appears resolved, but maybe not for this system? I'm running on CentOS

check if /var/piler has drwx------ (=700) permissions . If so, then you
may fix it bx chmod 755 /var/piler/stat

Also, one question on retention. Assuming old mail is imported into
the system. Say the message was originally received in 2008, does the
retention period begin with 2008 or from the time the message was
imported into mailpiler?

From the information I have, I'm guessing the answer to the above is
from the date of import. If this is the case, can you selectively
purge archived messages based on the date of the mail?

not exactly. The retention period of imported emails is added to the
'sent' column in metadata calculated of the Date: header field of the
email. So if you have 7 years of retention then your email in 2008
will be retained to 2015.

However note that no email will be purged unless you run pilerpurge.
And currently you are free to change the retained value if you need
a longer retention time.

Anyway I'm glad that you like the new release. If you need help
fixing the admin group, then let me know.


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