We currently have 3 mail domains we have for our users.

We have all the mail archiving correctly but we're having some issues
with users being able to view their mail for all the domains.

For example, in our case we use the following:

We use IMAP authentication for the users so I currently log in with
tim.stu...@cityofgreenwoodsc.com to view my mail. With that login I'm
able to view all the mail going to tim.stumbo at any of the above 3

We want to switch the users to start using the gwdcity.com as there
login against LDAP since the IMAP mail server is going away. I've
gotten it to where I can log in using tim.stu...@gwdcity.com but I
can't see the mail for the other 2 domains.

I also noticed that in the config.php file there is an option to strip
the domain name from the login username. Does this mean that I would
just be able to use tim.stumbo as my login without a domain? This is
truly what I'm trying to achieve but after turning it on I was unable
to login with just tim.stumbo as my username. I haven't setup the LDAP
connection though so that might have something to do with it.


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