
your scripts look fine by looking. Do the following to troubleshoot
the issue:

check the permissions on /var/piler, piler should be able read it,
then /var/piler/sphinx dir and its contents must be read-writable
for piler.

When you start searchd, verify that searchd runs as user piler, and
can read all the index files. It prints the indices it just read.

Then try connecting to searchd: mysql -h -P9306, and
run "select * from main1;". It should print 20 hits or so.


On 2020-04-16 03:07, BKH-Netz.de - Postfach wrote:
Hi Janos,

i’m trying to gat a working backup / restore script for my piler installations.
But my efforts are more or less without a success …
Perhaps you can give me a slight hint?

My backup script looks like this:

- - - - - - -
systemctl stop rc.piler.service
systemctl stop rc.searchd.service

tar -cpzf SOMEVZ/piler.tar.gz -C /usr/local/etc/piler .
tar -cpzf SOMEVZ//pilerstore.tar.gz -C /var/piler/store/00 .
tar -cpzf SOMEVZ/sphinx.tar.gz /var/piler/sphinx/main[1-4]*

mysqldump --single-transaction -h localhost -piler -p'mysecretpw'
piler > SOMEVZ/pilerdb.sql

systemctl start rc.piler.service
systemctl start rc.searchd.service
- - - - - - -

My restore script looks like this:

- - - - - - -
systemctl stop rc.piler.service
systemctl stop rc.searchd.service

rm -r /usr/local/etc/piler
rm -r /var/piler/store/00
rm /var/piler/sphinx/main[1-4]*

mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/piler
mkdir -p /var/piler/store/00
tar -xpzf SOMEVZ/piler.tar.gz -C /usr/local/etc/piler
tar -xpzf SOMEVZ//pilerstore.tar.gz -C /var/piler/store/00
tar -xpzf SOMEVZ/sphinx.tar.gz -C /

mysql -h localhost -upiler -p'mysecretpw' piler < SOMEVZ/pilerdb.sql

systemctl start rc.piler.service
systemctl start rc.searchd.service
- - - - - - -

All imported mails (figures) are show correctly inside the admin interface.
Searching for mail in the auditor interface shows no emails at all.
I guess this is a problem with sphinx database but i cant figure out …

Can you give me a little help on this please?


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