> >   cd /var/piler/tmp
> >   runuser -u piler -- reindex -a  (why this command didn't need to
> > specify /etc/piler/sphinx.conf?)
> Because it has nothing to with sphinx. The reindex tool retrieves the
> emails, parses them, and puts their contents to the sph_index table.
> Then the sphinx indexer reads and process this table.

  I am really stupid.  now I understand.

> sphinx 3.3.1 has some improvements over the 2.2 series. If you can find
> all your email, then don't worry.
> > /var/lib/mysql/piler/sph_index.ibd => become 1.9GB
> This is the before mentioned table. Since you put a huge volume of data
> during the reindex process this table has grown, and now it just doesn't
> want to shrink. Try running "optimize table sph_index;" at the mysql
> console to shrink it when the reindex has completed.

 ok now I get it. after "reindex -a", I need to wait cron or run it manually:
 "indexer.delta.sh", "indexer.main.sh". they will empty mysql
sph_index table and write to /var/piler/sphinx.
 and finally I can optimize the mysql table and get back disk spaces.
 thanks a lot for the detailed explain!!

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