I opened a ticket with MSFT. We will see what they say.

On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 10:38 AM Martin Nadvornik <
martin.nadvor...@diakonie.at> wrote:

> Thank you for your input Jackson. We already have the Delivered-To header
> filtered so unfortunateley this is not a cause for our issue.
> And thanks for your answer Janos, I also think it is worth to investigate
> further espacially because our users are used to restore mails and since we
> switched to EXO seemingly 90% of all restores fail. I will definitely
> pursue this further and if I can't find any clues the only remaining option
> is of course to open an issue with Microsoft on this.
> ________________________________________
> Von: Jackson Craig <c.jack...@asb-group.com>
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. April 2021 15:59
> An: 'Piler User'
> Betreff: RE: Restore to O365 fails
> Folks,
> Most likely not the culprit, but thought I would share anyway - just ignore
> if you already know it isn't due to this - this is something I encountered
> with trying to restore mail to mailboxes. Just pasting in my notes that I
> took at the time:
> "Some mail will not restore to mailbox, and you get a
> forwarding loop for the user (note that you always get
> a forwarding loop for bcc the archive blind copy, this is
> OK just ignore the message. It stops the restored mail getting
> added into the archive again anyway).
> This happens because of the Delivered-To header. Postfix adds
> this header, and as there may already be one there with the
> same recipient, it thinks the restored mail is in a mail
> loop and you get the error (and no mail).
> The quick workaround is to add a header check for the user, e.g.:
> /^Delivered-To: m.gras...@asb-group.com/ IGNORE
> add this to /etc/postfix/header_checks on the mail server
> Remember to postmap the file after editing it."
>               -------------
> This email and any attachments are confidential to the intended recipient
> and may also be privileged.  If you are not the intended recipient, please
> delete it from your system and notify the sender.  You should not copy it
> or use it for any purpose nor disclose or distribute its contents to any
> other person.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Nadvornik <martin.nadvor...@diakonie.at>
> Sent: 27 April 2021 14:24
> To: Piler User <piler-user@list.acts.hu>
> Subject: AW: Restore to O365 fails
> Hi everyone,
> we also have the same or at least a similar problem. However not with every
> mail but with most. We were so far also unable to find the root cause for
> this and can't see any distinctive differences between mails that fail to
> restore and those that don't. In our specific setup piler is using a
> postfix
> server as smart host which then redirects the messages to exchange online
> via a transport rule. EXO accepts the restored messages our postfix sends
> but never delivers them to the inbox.
> Looking at the message trace in EXO shows that the message is beeing
> recived
> but there are no detailed trace infos available.
> Out first guess was also that EXO doesn't like recveiving messages with the
> same message ID multiple times. We haven't tried REWRITE_MESSAGE_ID yet but
> based on what Alex wrote this seems to not solve the problem.
> Martin
> ________________________________________
> Von: Karl Rossing <karl.ross...@gmail.com>
> Gesendet: Freitag, 16. April 2021 17:54
> An: Piler User
> Betreff: Re: Restore to O365 fails
> We have had the same problem. I meant to open a ticket with Microsoft but
> so
> far have not.
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 8:53 AM Alexander Noack
> <a...@loetzimmer.de<mailto:a...@loetzimmer.de>> wrote:
> I do realize that this is very likely not a Piler issue but rather O365
> related… but maybe somebody already came across this issue and knows how to
> remediate it.
> When I restore a deleted email in my O365 account, the message transfer
> always fails:
> 550 4.3.2 QUEUE.TransportAgent; message deleted by transport agent
> The Piler server is setup as a connector in Exchange Online. The Smarthost
> is
> <tenant-domain>.mail.protection.outlook.com<
> http://mail.protection.outlook.c
> om>.
> Mails seem to be originating from
> MicrosoftExchange329e71ec88ae4615bbc36ab6ce41109e@<tenant>.onmicrosoft.com
> <h
> ttp://onmicrosoft.com>
> The error states that there is an NDR sent to that address, but even after
> assigning that address to myself, no NDR is ever received.
> I have set $config['REWRITE_MESSAGE_ID'] = 1;
> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> Alex
> Missiles & Space Batteries Limited is registered in Scotland under company
> number 162626.  The company's registered office is at Hagmill Road, East
> Shawhead, Coatbridge, ML5 4UZ.

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