
Removing the rows from the metadata and rcpt tables and then reimporting 
appears to have done the trick.

Thank you!


-----Original Message-----
From: Janos SUTO <s...@acts.hu> 
Sent: Friday, May 5, 2023 12:55
To: Piler User <piler-user@list.acts.hu>
Subject: Re: pilerimport stopped saving files?

[EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the 
sender and know the content is safe.

On 2023-05-05 18:18, Jeremiah Poling wrote:
> Is there a way to reimport the failed ones?
> Maybe somehow delete a date range of mails from the system and then 
> reimport that range?
> I still have access to the source eml files from the date range in 
> question, but trying to import them now just results in a bunch of
> “duplicate: XXX” messages in the console

that's a tricky one. As I mentioned, piler discard these emails, because they 
already exist in the metadata table. You have 2 options:

a) the "cannot open()" issue indicated that the given file is not present in 
the store directory structure. So option #1 is to get your backup, and restore 
the missing files

b) if you don't have backups, then try removing the affected emails from both 
the metadata and rcpt tables. Also you have the attachment table which stores 
info to reassemble emails with attachments. Since an attachment may be present 
in several emails, I'm not sure if you should remove any rows from the 
attachment table.

Anyway, be sure to backup the piler mysql database.


> From: Janos SUTO <s...@acts.hu>
> Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2023 23:03
> To: Piler User <piler-user@list.acts.hu>
> Subject: Re: pilerimport stopped saving files?
> [EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you 
> recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
> Hello Jeremiah,
> if you have newer emails to import, then run pilerimport from the 
> command line, and look for errors both on stdin and in the mail logs.
> If no errors then try to retrieve those emails with pilerget.
> Janos SUTO
> On May 4, 2023, at 22:59, Jeremiah Poling <jpol...@anra.org> wrote:
>> Janos,
>> Sorry to pester you again, but I've run into an unusual issue that 
>> I'm struggling to troubleshoot.
>> I'm using pilerimport to load eml files that have been fetched using 
>> offlineimap.
>> This was working fine until February 22 of this year.
>> I don't remember having done anything that day, but I assume I must 
>> have run an update or something that broke it.
>> Since then, the imported mails are being loaded in to the mysql 
>> database and sphinx (they show up in the web interface) but they're 
>> not being saved to the filesystem.
>> so they can't be found by the web interface to preview: " Message 
>> Failed Verification"
>> and they can't be loaded by pilerget: pilerget[3417]:
> /var/piler/store/00/645/a4/cb/5000000064540b9d1979a504001a4529a4cb.m:
>> cannot open()
>> any thoughts on how I can troubleshoot this?
>> Thanks,
>> Jeremiah

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